Hotels are open , so why not vacation rentals? They are an ideal place to self isolate, plus keep part of the economy ticking over.
text below from the petitions home page:
Executive Order Number 20-112 extends a statewide ban on short term vacation rentals indefinitely, causing great economic harm to our communities and to the individuals who own and operate these small businesses.
Governor DeSantis announced his plans to RE-OPEN Florida's economy this week but unfortunately under his Phase 1 reopening he has extended his suspension of vacation rentals indefinitely. We have appropriately called the Governors Phase 1 plan the "Great NON Re-Opening" for us in the vacation rental industry. Almost nothing has changed from the previous order except we have no idea when Phase 1 ends and Phase 2 starts. This is all up to the Governors discretion.
This is totally disruptive to our industry and uncalled for after his task force was assembled and provided recommendations with extensive comments and considerations for reopening the economy. Hundreds of Florida vacation rental owners and managers reached out to the Governor and were just dismissed by his deferment. Speak loud and clear and tell Governor DeSantis that we will not be ignored and want to be heard as a $31 billion dollar Florida hospitality industry. If we don't keep the pressure on who knows what is next. He outlines here that this order will be extended on May 4th.
Hotels and motels in the state have been allowed to operate during the entire COVID-19 lockdown even though they arguably pose a greater risk to the spread of the virus than a single unit short term rental due to spaces where hundreds of people pass through. Individuals needing to visit the state or self-isolate would be far better served staying in a short-term vacation rental as these have fewer, if any, public high contact spaces or surfaces.
The blanket ban on short term vacation rentals in the state of Florida, regardless of where they are geographically located or where the visitor in question is coming from, continues to cause a significant negative economic impact. This affects property owners, property managers, support staff, and maintenance personnel whose small businesses often make up the backbone of their local communities and provide employment to a large percentage of Florida’s population.
It is our hope that Governor Ron DeSantis will re-examine the ban on short term vacation rentals and implement in its place an effective plan that both protects our communities and allows reasonable utilization of short-term rentals in Florida.